Full Time Meals Form

Malvern Catering Services have been providing meals to local primary schools for over twenty years. All of our meals are homemade and freshly prepared from our five star rated purpose built kitchen based in Malvern. Fresh ingredients, meats and poultry are locally sourced.

We have a rolling three week menu that offers a nutritionally balanced healthy meal throughout the week and having school meals Monday-Friday ensures that your child eats healthily every day. We believe that the school lumchtime is a great opportunity for all our children to sit down together and enjoy their healthy and tasty meal, while developing their social skills.

Meals cost £11.00 per week for a main meal and dessert and are payable weekly or half termly in advance. Please send cash or a cheques in a sealed enveloped with your child’s name and class on the front and hand it into school or pay online via our payments page. Credits for absence are given if notified by text on 07715 560 419 before 9am. Your child may start or stop meals at any time with one weeks’ notice but please ensure that you complete the form below.

Thank you